What people are saying


"It was a pleasure to be married by Bex. She handled our chuppah with sensitivity and compassion and we were delighted with her organisation of our ceremony, inclusion of all our guests and her minute attention to detail. Bex discussed our needs and wishes with us beforehand and ensured that the ceremony represented our sensitivities and values. The chuppah was truly moving. I recommend Bex wholeheartedly." 


"Working with Bex, my daughter’s Batmizvah tutor, has been a pleasure. She is happy to discuss all aspects of my daughter’s tuition and is always quick to respond to any queries I have. Although Bex is quite young, she is very knowledgeable and has an open and supportive attitude to teaching. My daughter finds her lessons fun and interesting, has plenty of opportunity to discuss and learn about a range of things, and is encouraged by Bex’s approach and gentle but persuasive manner." 

-Mother of a Bat-Mitzvah Student

Chazan Rebecca Blumenfeld has returned to the UK and is a great asset to our small team of Chazanim. Before she went to Hebrew College in Boston she was already a superb teacher so it is with great delight that we welcome her home with her passion and skills as a chazan. I am personally thrilled that she has come back. We need her and it is a pleasure to work with her in our sacred task.

-Chazan Jaclyn Chernett
Founder and Director of Studies,
European Academy for Jewish Liturgy

When asked by her Mum about something good from the week, she said “Davening with Bex - the snack, Modah Ani, and Adon Olam!"

-Devoyre, 5yrs

In response to a Megillah reading I organised: “I would just like to say that this evening was genuinely the best Erev Purim experience I have had at the Shul to date. It might feel counterintuitive for that to be the case this year (the year of COVID 19), but the alternative Megillah reading was perfect: filled with joy and silliness and a wonderful balance between hearing the Hebrew (complete with your different voices, Bex, hilarious!) and enjoying the story with the narration, acting, songs and improvisation. Inclusive, fun and just great!

-Member of the OJC