Jewish Education

Jewish Education has many facets and tendrils and I can provide a range of them. Be it basic Jewish knowledge or a desire to learn deeply about a chosen subject, I am able to tailor an educational experience to suit your needs, the needs of your community and the needs of your children.


Teaching synagogue skills

The role of the Shaliach Tsibbur in a community is to gather your community's prayers and lift them up to G-d. I am available in person or virtually to help you and your community to draw closer to that experience. Perhaps you would like to be able to daven with more variety and confidence? Perhaps you know the Hebrew but you aren't quite sure of the music? Then I can help you. I am available to tutor one-on-one or in a small group to help improve your davenning experience for yourself and for the community you are leading.

Tutoring b'nei mitzvah students

Whether you and your child are a part of an established community or hoping to create a ceremony to suit your family's individual needs, I can provide one-on-one tutoring for your child and support for the whole family. 

Learning Hebrew, leyning, haftarah,Tefillah and general Jewish knowledge are all included. I will also work with your child on a D'var Torah or equivalent educational endeavour. I also encourage families and children to extend a helping hand to those in need and will happily make suggestions for Tikkun Olam/Social Justice projects.

*Please note - the cat is an optional extra! 


Tutoring for conversions

I work closely with the Masorti Beit Din as a tutor for those who wish to convert to Judaism. I am available in person or online and we can work at a speed which suits the individual. The conversion curriculum can be viewed “here”.


Running educational programmes from tots-adults

As an experienced teacher and educator, I am available to work with all ages and stages and all different kinds of learning styles within a community.

From the youngest members to the oldest veterans, I am available to lead Shabbat and Holiday workshops or sessions that run during the week. I will tailor the content to suit your needs and will happily work in conjunction with other professional or lay leadership to provide the best learning experience that I can.